Adaptation and Resilience of our Being for Our time

How are you feeling and coping with life now?


Our mother earth over billions of years has evolved by adapting to change due to the massive climate changes bought about by cosmic influences and meteor collisions etc

Our animals adapted and changed over time in the same way and the more resilient, they were the ones who flourished.

Humans as a species over millions of years have learnt to adapt to our environment to survive and prosper, all the while creating societies and structures... Physically our bodies and brains have adapted and gained resilience our intelligence and consciousness has expanded.

 Image those souls who are 90 or 100 yrs of age, what changes they have seen in their lifetime and how they have adapted and what resilience they have .. we could probably learn a lot from them.

So here we are in this life now in 2022 … pace of world change is very rapid.. we are being asked to adapt very quickly .. not only the physical changing landscape but the most powerful challenge is our societal change and the mental – emotional adaptation and resilience.

It’s in the mind that can adaption has to take place .. be flexible ..allowing a new perspective creates resilience and inner strength.

 Our souls have chosen to be here at this point in history .. there is no accident you are here and it’s why we came, our Souls actually chose to be a part of this change .. we have just forgotten this.

Every challenge you have ever gone through has been to assist you to let go of control, adapt, be more flexible to help you gain more resilience and strength .. it may not feel like it a times!

You ask why would I pick really challenging or awful situations at times??  Higher learning for Soul, gaining Compassion .. Love .. Strength ..light.. Wisdom etc, so many aspects to this experience of life in a human body. All challenges or experiences are a way of learning to embodying love and adding beauty to the Soul.


Remember to look at the big picture .. your Soul Journey to help with adapting and building resilience.


Finding a Sense of Purpose very important for everyone, helping you gain -

1.  Compassion and acceptance for self and others

2.  Gratitude

3.  Believe in Your Abilities, not allowing self doubt to rule you

4.  Embrace accept Change. ... don’t stay stuck in old ways

5.  Realise everything change nothing is permanent

6.    Keep optimistic. ... quieten that inner critic

7.   Nurture Yourself. ... see a positive view of self

8.   Establish Goals.

9.   Keep connected to others and make new connections

10.      Challenge yourself to shift perspective in thinking crises are not solvable

11.      Take  actions to solve problems or issues.

12.      Look for opportunities for inner self discovery                                                                      

Touch something of beauty each day, not just physical beauty, yes of course look at beauty.

Create beauty in your environment .. be in nature .. music or sound see what takes you higher!

The beauty I’m talking about is something that you can find inside yourself .. that is above the drama, ambition, the doing. Find a stillness, a quiet place inside

There is a beauty that is you the real you, the higher spiritual aspect of you that will sustain you through all of this …keep you centered and grounded.

The message I received straight from Spirit is hold this connection to them keep it strong and you will ride this passage of time …

Fear can be catching .. but so is Love!



Kerry Chuttur