Time is an energy, and is not quite the linear process we believe it to be. It can contract and expand with a sense of speeding up as the vibration on the planet rises, we are all feeling this massive change at this moment in history! Our Soul is a powerful, immense energy with many aspects or lives within it, all experiencing different realities, learning different Soul lessons, right now we are focused on this aspect or life here and now.
Once you start remembering and experiencing other lives you see there is an part of you in all these other aspects .. some you like … some not! As you accept and integrate these characters, there are beginnings of a realisation of a much greater picture of your life here on earth and the cosmos.
Past Life Regression is an exploratory journey of the Soul in understanding, forgiveness, integration and liberation which connects us to our present life. All of us at some time have experienced feelings of familiarity to people, places or events and not understand why. We may even experience unexplained phobias, likes and dislikes of certain things, even physical challenges may have connections to our other lives. It also helps us tap into latent gifts, talents and abilities that can enhance our lives and the lives of others.
Certainly, we meet people who we feel a great loving connection to or on the flip side may face challenges in personal relationships, and not be able to understand why certain events or feelings keep occurring. We all wish to live out our lives in a positive way whether it is related to family, romance, business or friendship.
Past Life Therapy allows a gradual unfolding and comprehension of the totality, depth and breadth of our being. Exploring our other lives gives us a deeper understanding of ourselves other people and events.
By seeing a different picture of events we can shift our old beliefs, allowing us to release energetic cords of emotion that may tie us to situations and people. We can see where we have given our power away that has affected our life here and now. Once released you are able to move forward more easily with a new positive outlook and awareness.
Past Life Regression $375 held over 2 sessions
All Hypnotherapy sessions can now conducted in person due to the COVID19 restrictions being lifted.