12 Quick Tips for Beating Stress (click on writing)
I would like to share some tips on how to help yourself de-stress, these routines or healthy habits will have great benefits, so decide that you are going to be persistent and committed to your own health and well-being .. you will reap the benefits!
1. Breathe .. breathe slowly! Learn awareness to notice when you are shallow breathing, this is when your mind has taken over with too many thoughts creating stress. Learn some new breathing techniques that slow you and your body right down, you will feel the difference and your body and digestion will thank you.
2. Laugh ..look at life a bit differently and laugh a lot more. Seek out situations, events, movies or quirky things in life that make you laugh. Even in some of life's challenges, finding some light in the situation will help you through! There are 3 ways the body can help you let go and relieve stress, shaking, laughing and crying, to see if this works for you, state your clear intention out loud. Try the laughing method to shift the feeling around whatever it is ... doing this is more fun, and it works.
3. Dance .. even if you think you are not a dancer and don't want to do it in public, do it at home, just move your body. Be free to do what you want, it's only old fear of self judgement or other's that stops us. When you move and dance you are shifting energy and letting go of body and mind stress. Ancient cultures understood and used this concept in a number of ways.
4. Be creative .. or find a hobby just for fun, no pressure for something to be perfect or make money. This is just for you, your own unique expression of yourself, and if you think you don't know what this is just experiment and try new things...have fun finding out what that could be. Being creative is not just about art, could be writing, gardening, working with your hands or just being creative with your ideas or the way you find solutions.
5. Simplify and de-clutter .. Cut down and sort out what is not working in your life, situations where you maybe trying to put your energy in too many places. Work out for you what/who is really important in your life, situations may not be flowing and you feel drained, see if feeling obligated is holding you back. And of course de-clutter your physical space, which will create a better energy flow and harmony at home.
6. Exercise .. yes sometimes it can feel that you don't have the energy, time or motivation to exercise, I hear you! Find some form of exercise that you really enjoy doing, because it is about health and well being, not just a way to lose weight. It is so important for your mental health and your enjoyment of life. For example walking, you are out of the house and hopefully in nature, helping you feel more connected, yoga and tai chi are calming, strengthening and restorative, also great for your nervous system and you whole body. These are just a few examples, there are many sports and activities to move your body, if you lack motivation try and buddy up with another friend to keep you committed.
7. Self talk ... bring it into awareness and be mindful of what you think about yourself and the world. Get to really know on a deep level what your belief systems are and if they outdated and creating unwanted drama in your life. Look at any negative self talk and why are you doing this, are you repeating old patterns in your life? If you are ready to change this old patterning, do it so you can move forward in you life. Just remember .. what we focus on expands, whether that is positive or negative. Believe in yourself!
8. Ask for help ... talk to someone if you need help to work through issues. Letting emotions build up inside of you can often blow things out of proportion. If left unchecked can take you into a downward spiral that could lead to anxiety or depression. Find help from someone who is compassionate yet detached from your situation. Caring for your mental and emotional help is so important as we are living in a world of rapid change and instability.
9. Get into nature ... It is so easy to get disconnected from nature and ultimately yourself due to the fast pace of life. If you are living a a city with a large population it can be more challenging to find quiet, peaceful places. Nature has so much healing power, if you can sit in a forest and feel the stillness, the quiet then breathe in the clean air slowly and let any stress leave your body, letting it sink in to the ground to dissipate. Stay as long as you can and enjoy.
10. Physical contact .. there is something very powerful to hug and be hugged by someone, may be a human or animal. A hug a day is said to improve our mental, physical health and longevity. If you have no one you can hug .. hug yourself, give yourself that love and care you deserve.
11. Consider having a pet .. It is a commitment, but having a pet is so rewarding and having a pet will help open your heart and is actually good for your physical health. You will have a friend who listens to you, loves you unconditionally and will make you laugh. How beautiful is that!
12. Meditate, Meditate, Meditate … what more can I say. Learning to meditate is one of the most beneficial practices that you can do for yourself and your life. It has so many benefits for you mentally, physically, as well as your personal and spiritual growth. Learning some relaxation techniques to start with will help allow you to go much deeper into meditation, giving greater benefits. These include feeling less stressed, anxious, being calmer, clearer and able to deal with challenging situations. Everyone is capable of meditating, some days will go better than others, it just takes persistence and commitment.